Layanan PBN yang lain banyak menggunakan istilah “diversity” tapi phantoms rasa kata “foundation” lebih cocok untuk layanan ini. loh kok gitu?
Karna fitur ini adalah sangat penting dan hal pertama yang harus kamu ambil jika situs masih belum pernah melakukannya, oleh sebab itu phantoms menamainya FOUNDATION.
let's imagine, kamu punya koleksi sepatu tapi semua adalah model dan merek yang sama. ketika kamu mau pamer ke teman kamu, bosan dong? apa sih yang mau dilihat, toh cuma 1 brand dan model. Nah, si teman kamu itu ya Google, di dunia SEO, link juga begitu. Variasi itu penting.
Kemudian, kita bayangkan juga bahwa Google adalah seorang Gordon Ramsey yang super strict dan overly teliti. Anggap saja kamu diminta di acara Masterchef untuk memersiapkan 12 jenis masakan tentunya tidak mungkin kamu masak 12 piring spaghetti bolognese. Wah, bisa dimaki-maki sama si Gordon. Begitu juga links kamu, harus variatif, bukan cuma bolognese saja, mungkin ada steak wagyu saos black pepper, sup krim jamur porto bello, dan sebagainya.
Kemudian harus memakai ingredients yang tepat, contoh di masakan spaghetti bolognese, gak mungkin kamu masukkan sayur pare. Dengan 12 menu masakan berbeda dan racikan ingredients yang tepat pasti akan menggugah selera Gordon dan menuai pujiannya. Begitu juga Google, kalau links cuma itu-itu aja, Google akan tahu dan curiga, “what the f*** is wrong with this site?”.
Maka dari itu, untuk jaga-jaga dari “marahnya” Google, kalau situs kamu punya banyak jenis backlinks, tidak perlu khawatir kalau tiba-tiba Google nga suka sama dengan salah satu backlinks kita. Kita masih banyak cadangan backlinks lain. Juga sebagai antisipasi Surprise dari Google yaitu perubahan resep (baca: algoritma).
Kenaikan traffic juga bisa menjadi salah satu keuntungan dari foundation ini karna ke-variatif-an jenis backlinks yang telah diperoleh dari berbagai macam sumber; blog, media sosial, forum, dan sebagainya. Maxwin ini for sure!
Dengan link beragam, situs kamu bisa muncul untuk pencarian kata kunci yang berbeda. seperti playlist lagu yang isinya beragam genre, memberi Google, sang penikmat lagu itu, banyak pilihan genre sehingga Google bisa memilih mana yang disukainya.
Jadi, sebenernya dalam dunia SEO itu variasi penting begitu juga ingredients yang tepat, dalam hal ini tentu kualitas dan strategi yang diadopsi. Teman boleh banyak (variasi) tapi tentu kamu akan milih teman mana yang bisa masuk ke circle utama kamu dong (kualitas).
Foundation Plans | Straight | Flush | Royal Flush |
Keywords | 4 | 8 | 12 |
URLs | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Unique Hand Written Content | |||
24/7 Customer Support | |||
Solid Backlinks & Instant Indexing | 50 | 100 | 150 |
Worth of | $125 | $225 | $300 |
Unique Blogs | |||
Unique IPs & Location | |||
300+ words content | |||
High metrics | |||
High DA/TF/Homepage Links | 5 | 8 | 10 |
Pumber Blogs | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Faster Indexing | |||
High DA/TF Blog Network Links | 20 | 30 | 40 |
Detailed Report of Backlinks | |||
PR-Premium Press Release | |||
PRBuzz | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Market Press Release | 1 | 1 | 1 |
SB Wire Submission | 1 | 1 | | | 1 | ||
Manual Web 2.0 - Diversified KWs | |||
Manual Web 2.0 Properties | 15 | 20 | 25 |
JIMBO Blog | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Livejournal Blog | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Wordpress Blog | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Weebly Blog | 1 | ||
Tumblr Blog | 1 | 1 | |
Traditional Links - Diversified KWs | |||
Web 2.0 Profile | 20 | 30 | 40 |
High DA EDU Backlinks | 10 | 20 | 30 |
High DA Article Submissions | 10 | 15 | 20 |
High DA DOC Links | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Audio Sharing Links | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Design Galleries Links | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Artist Portfolio Links | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Business Listing Links | 5 | 10 | 15 |
EDU Blogposts | 3 | 4 | 6 |
Social Signals | |||
Google Plus | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Stumbleupon | 5 | 10 | 15 |
5 | 10 | 15 | |
Myspace Shares | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Delicious Shares | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Tumblr Blogs | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Reddit Shares | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Facebok Likes | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Linkedin Shares | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Tweet Retweet | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Friendfeed Shares | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Add-on & Teir 2s | |||
Social Blogposts | 100 | 200 | 300 |
Social Bookmarking | 100 | 200 | 300 |
Web 2.0 posts from 20 Platforms | 200 | 300 | 500 |
Instant Link Indexer | |||
Drip Feed | 7 days | 12 days | 20 days |
Price | Ask Us | Ask Us | Ask Us |
Hubungi Kami | Hubungi Kami | Hubungi Kami |
Foundation Plans | Straight |
Keywords | 4 |
URLs | 1 |
Unique Hand Written Content | |
24/7 Customer Support | |
Solid Backlinks & Instant Indexing | 50 |
Worth of | $125 |
Unique Blogs | |
Unique IPs & Location | |
300+ words content | |
High metrics | |
High DA/TF/Homepage Links | 5 |
Pumber Blogs | 3 |
Faster Indexing | |
High DA/TF Blog Network Links | 20 |
Detailed Report of Backlinks | |
PR-Premium Press Release | |
PRBuzz | 1 |
Market Press Release | 1 |
SB Wire Submission | | | |
Manual Web 2.0 - Diversified KWs | |
Manual Web 2.0 Properties | 15 |
JIMBO Blog | 1 |
Livejournal Blog | 1 |
Wordpress Blog | 1 |
Weebly Blog | |
Tumblr Blog | |
Traditional Links - Diversified KWs | |
Web 2.0 Profile | 20 |
High DA EDU Backlinks | 10 |
High DA Article Submissions | 10 |
High DA DOC Links | 5 |
Audio Sharing Links | 5 |
Design Galleries Links | 5 |
Artist Portfolio Links | 5 |
Business Listing Links | 5 |
EDU Blogposts | 3 |
Social Signals | |
Google Plus | 5 |
Stumbleupon | 5 |
5 | |
Myspace Shares | 5 |
Delicious Shares | 5 |
Tumblr Blogs | 5 |
Reddit Shares | 5 |
Facebok Likes | 5 |
Linkedin Shares | 5 |
Tweet Retweet | 5 |
Friendfeed Shares | 5 |
Add-on & Teir 2s | |
Social Blogposts | 100 |
Social Bookmarking | 100 |
Web 2.0 posts from 20 Platforms | 200 |
Instant Link Indexer | |
Drip Feed | 7 days |
Price | Ask Us |
Hubungi Kami |
Foundation Plans | Flush |
Keywords | 8 |
URLs | 1 |
Unique Hand Written Content | |
24/7 Customer Support | |
Solid Backlinks & Instant Indexing | 100 |
Worth of | $225 |
Unique Blogs | |
Unique IPs & Location | |
300+ words content | |
High metrics | |
High DA/TF/Homepage Links | 8 |
Pumber Blogs | 4 |
Faster Indexing | |
High DA/TF Blog Network Links | 30 |
Detailed Report of Backlinks | |
PR-Premium Press Release | |
PRBuzz | 1 |
Market Press Release | 1 |
SB Wire Submission | 1 | | |
Manual Web 2.0 - Diversified KWs | |
Manual Web 2.0 Properties | 20 |
JIMBO Blog | 1 |
Livejournal Blog | 1 |
Wordpress Blog | 1 |
Weebly Blog | |
Tumblr Blog | 1 |
Traditional Links - Diversified KWs | |
Web 2.0 Profile | 30 |
High DA EDU Backlinks | 20 |
High DA Article Submissions | 15 |
High DA DOC Links | 10 |
Audio Sharing Links | 10 |
Design Galleries Links | 10 |
Artist Portfolio Links | 10 |
Business Listing Links | 10 |
EDU Blogposts | 4 |
Social Signals | |
Google Plus | 10 |
Stumbleupon | 10 |
10 | |
Myspace Shares | 10 |
Delicious Shares | 10 |
Tumblr Blogs | 10 |
Reddit Shares | 10 |
Facebok Likes | 10 |
Linkedin Shares | 10 |
Tweet Retweet | 10 |
Friendfeed Shares | 10 |
Add-on & Teir 2s | |
Social Blogposts | 200 |
Social Bookmarking | 200 |
Web 2.0 posts from 20 Platforms | 300 |
Instant Link Indexer | |
Drip Feed | 12 days |
Price | Ask Us |
Hubungi Kami |
Foundation Plans | Royal Flush |
Keywords | 12 |
URLs | 1 |
Unique Hand Written Content | |
24/7 Customer Support | |
Solid Backlinks & Instant Indexing | 150 |
Worth of | $300 |
Unique Blogs | |
Unique IPs & Location | |
300+ words content | |
High metrics | |
High DA/TF/Homepage Links | 10 |
Pumber Blogs | 5 |
Faster Indexing | |
High DA/TF Blog Network Links | 40 |
Detailed Report of Backlinks | |
PR-Premium Press Release | |
PRBuzz | 1 |
Market Press Release | 1 |
SB Wire Submission | 1 | | 1 |
Manual Web 2.0 - Diversified KWs | |
Manual Web 2.0 Properties | 25 |
JIMBO Blog | 1 |
Livejournal Blog | 1 |
Wordpress Blog | 1 |
Weebly Blog | 1 |
Tumblr Blog | 1 |
Traditional Links - Diversified KWs | |
Web 2.0 Profile | 40 |
High DA EDU Backlinks | 30 |
High DA Article Submissions | 20 |
High DA DOC Links | 15 |
Audio Sharing Links | 15 |
Design Galleries Links | 15 |
Artist Portfolio Links | 15 |
Business Listing Links | 15 |
EDU Blogposts | 6 |
Social Signals | |
Google Plus | 15 |
Stumbleupon | 15 |
15 | |
Myspace Shares | 15 |
Delicious Shares | 15 |
Tumblr Blogs | 15 |
Reddit Shares | 15 |
Facebok Likes | 15 |
Linkedin Shares | 15 |
Tweet Retweet | 15 |
Friendfeed Shares | 15 |
Add-on & Teir 2s | |
Social Blogposts | 300 |
Social Bookmarking | 300 |
Web 2.0 posts from 20 Platforms | 500 |
Instant Link Indexer | |
Drip Feed | 20 days |
Price | Ask Us |
Hubungi Kami |
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